Piano Lessons Port Jefferson

Did you know that String Sounds Studios offers Piano Lessons Port Jefferson?  If you are looking to grow musically then String Sounds Studios is the place for you. They are focused on the betterment of your musical education and playing ability. Their instructors give you their undivided attention your musical success is their priority.  You can also join any of their several different ensembles. From novice to advanced. String Sounds Studios encourages and welcomes many different genres, music styles, and instruments.

The best part about Piano Lessons Port Jefferson with string sounds studios is that they are in home, private lessons. Don’t worry about the hassle of having to go to them! In addition to lessons, String Sounds Studios also offers training for solos and auditions, as well as concert prep. They will even tune and repair your piano. Lesson scheduling is also flexible. They understand how crazy life can get. They offer lessons for many instruments like woodwinds, brass, voice and many more. Also, if lesson times are extended over one hour, clients receive a discount.

Enhance your musical abilities and try Piano Lessons Port Jefferson with String Sounds Studios. Each instructor is considered carefully with respect to music, and has had a personal interview as well as a thorough background check. String Sounds Studios cares about helping you advance in the world of music. If you are interested in seeing the instructors and learning more about them visit https://www.stringsoundstudios.com/all-teachers/. If you have any additional questions, don’t hesitate to call them at 631-476-8964.