Are you searching for Guitar Lessons Dix Hills? String Sound Studio offers affordable, guitar lessons at home. That’s right, you can have an instructor come to your home for convenient and timely lessons. String Sound Studios is located on the north shore of Long Island and has been teaching on Long Island and the 5 boroughs of New York for years. They have professional and competent instructors that can help you or your child excel in music appreciation. Whether you are searching for individual and personalized lessons, or searching for music lessons in addition to school lessons, your child can reach their personal potential with private lessons. Call String Sound Studios today and speak with a representative regarding the no commitment no contract way of taking Guitar Lessons Dix Hills. It’s easy. String Sound Studios also offers at home lessons for violin, piano, cello and many more instruments. Another advantage of home Guitar Lessons Dix Hills is that you can listen to the way your child is learning. You are right there in earshot of each lesson. Call today and set up your first guitar lesson. Most major credit cards are accepted and no contract is required. Let 2016 be a year of music!